Thursday, June 24, 2010

Abebech Gobena -Modern Day Mother Theresa

Psalm 82:3-4

“Vindicate the weak and fatherless; do justice to the afflicted and destitute. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them out of the hand of the wicked.”

This psalm is a perfect way to sum up the work that Abebech Gobena does everyday. She is a devout Christian and has been dubbed "Africa's Mother Theresa" due to her work with orphans. She knows firsthand what is it like to be fatherless as her own father died when she was only a month old.

In 1980, Gobena came across a child suckling at the breast of its dead mother. It changed her life forever. A man whose job was to collect the corpses in the war ravaged area told her "I am waiting for the child to die so I can pick up both bodies. I just can't bear to take the child as well while she is still alive." Can you imagine someone saying something like that?

Gobena promptly swaddled up the child and brought her to the countries capital. Thus began Gobena's work saving the lives of many starving orphans during Ethiopia's famine. She pressed on with her work even when everything around her was crashing down. Her family turned against her and gave her an ultimatum. They told her she had to choose the children or them. She chose the children. By the end of 1980, Gobena had taken in 21 children.

>>Fast forward to the present- Gobena is the founder of Ethiopia's oldest orphanage. In present day, it cares for over 700 children. She is an amazing warrior of God and I admire her for the work she does.

Blessed are the merciful,
for they shall obtain mercy.



  1. Just dropping by to say Hi! Love your blog! What a wonderful lady Gobena is...thank you for your uplifting posts;)

  2. That is an incredible story. Thanks for sharing it! What a glory to God that woman must be!
