Saturday, August 7, 2010

Spoiled Brat

I never considered myself to be a spoiled brat. However, we can all fall prey to behaving like spoiled brats as it is a part of our sinful nature. Today was my day.

My mom bought some frozen turkey burgers and put them in a pan for us to eat for supper. I live in south Louisiana so we like to put seasoning on our food. I sprinkled some seasoning on one of them just for me. Unknowningly, my mom gave that one to my brother. *Emit smoke from ears here* I went to ge get my special seasoned burger and noticed one had been removed so I wasnt sure which was which. I asked her if the one left in the pot was the one that had been on the right. She replied "No.". She had already dressed and served that one to my brother. I was ticked and I said well that was mine! She replied "How was I supposed to didn't tell me??" I placed the burger from the pan onto a slice of bread and said, "Well I will take this one but if it is nasty I am throwing it in the trash!!!" She replied "No you will not! I will gladly take it!(She had not cooked one for herself)

I stormed off to the table and took a bite. It was pretty good. I thought about what I said and immediately apologized. My mom said "Why are you apologizing?" I said for the comment I made about throwing it in the trash. That was such a bratty comment." She told me not to worry about it (water under the bridge).

As humans we can easily fall prey to becoming selfish.
We need to ask God to cultivate a spirit of gratitude and thankfulness within us.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Schy,
    Here is my blog address:
    have a great day!
